Part 24: 24 - The Cliched City
24 - The Cliched City

[This area is fucking tiny; seriously, this whole zone is only slightly larger than ThornTail Hollow.]

[These are the RedEyes. There are four of them here and they wander around the central ziggurat. We can't hurt them, so all we can really do is avoid them.]

[Luckily, they are confused and terrified by ramps.]

[We landed at the northern end of the area. To the east is a bridge leading to a sealed door.]

[Looking off of the bridge we find a barred door and a ladder leading down to it. No obvious way to open it, so we'll leave it for now.]

[A broken bridge leads south, but, well, it's broken.]

[And, lastly, to the west, there's another sealed door.]

[Now, if you haven't caught on yet, this area is themed. To the east are red, sun-themed buildings, and to the west are blue, moon-themed buildings. They're both relevant to our ultimate goal in this area, however, they do have one key feature that needs to be taken into account.]

[First, you return to either of these huts. Ideally, you want to pick whichever one best represents the time of day (sun for day, moon for night). You aren't forced to wait for one or the other, but it makes things easier.]

[A furnace pops up above Fox.]

[And finally, a blue door opens up on the side of the ziggurat. You then have a certain amount of time to get up the ziggurat.]

[The walls of the ziggurat will slide out to block you, or, if you're really dumb, push you off.]

[This is why the time of day sort of matters. Notice that there is a Moon and a Sun sigil? When it's night the Moon slides out and vice versa. The Moon blocks the way to the Sun and so on. Of course, you can still run the long way around and make it on time, it's just more annoying.]

[Inside the ziggurat and down some winding passages the game throws a new kind of fire at us. I had a lot of time, so I could afford to dodge the fire.]

[Or, you know, light up one of the symbols.]

[The whole rigamarole repeats itself.]

[However, because it was still night (a day cycle is something like 7-8 minutes) I had to be a bit creative.]

Heh. Logic.

[Down the deep, dark tunnel we go...]

By the pusher- Nevermind.

[So, yeah, I was wrong about having a fully upgraded staff. Technically, it's not a new skill, but...]

[Anyways, first off we're going to finish plundering this place since we can now access just about everything. First off, in the far eastern sector there's a small enclosed section.]

[With a bomb-able wall in the back.]

[Bafomdad Count: 17]

[Across the new bridge we put Tricky to work burning stuff.]

[Up above we find a suspicious bomb-spore location. Or, it would be suspicious if the controller wasn't having a seizure and the staff wasn't glowing. This is the fucking subtlety of a brick up the side the head.]

Wow, a shrine.

I was wrong, ok. Go get zapped with lightning.

Jesus Christ! Yes! Just get it over with!

I dunno. Maybe it does a more powerful Ground Quake, you idiot.

[Heading to the west of the newly opened area we find both a Bomb Spore Plant and a spot to plant another Bomb Spore at. We plant a second spore to kill two birds with one stone.]

Well, it's obviously used for some new purpose. Oh, it also costs twice as much.

[Bafomdad Count: 18]

[The King wasn't really kidding when he said that the RedEye Tribe's life force was protecting the teeth.]

[For the most part, the EarthWalkers in this area have dick all of worth to say. Generic 'times are tough' shit and complaining about the RedEyes. This guy, found near the LifeForce Door has something useful to say, though he's a bit cryptic about it. Almost as if he were channeling someone...]


[The first of the pillars around the Arwing lights up. Obviously, there are three more to find, but there are quite a lot of trees. The solution is fairly simple; there are only four EarthWalkers outside, and they're all right next to the correct trees. The only one you're likely to miss is the one in that small clearing to the east. The rest are right near important locations.]

[Hitting the fourth target lights up the last of the flames.]

[Which in turn activated one of these.]